"Y la oración de fe salvará al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará; y si hubiere cometido pecados, le serán perdonados" - Santiago 5:15

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven" - James 5:15

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

The believer... trials and suffering (1)

After several months of having been forced to stay away earlier this year due to a complication I had in my health caused by a kidney failure, I am back in this small space of reflection to try to order my thoughts, and above all, to strengthen the hope I have in Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior to gradually improve my health.

I'd like to start by suggesting you the idea (many times emphasized by pastors from the church I regularly attend here in Mexico City) about our christian life as a life not exactly an "easy" one to live; considering this context, it is a somber reality that (we don't think that it will hit us by imagining that we are "safe", however, when it arrives all of a sudden, we don't only "deny it" but it hit us making us to reject it as well) we'll have to endure at some moment during our life time a trial and suffering so hard that eventually can put our lives at risk as it has happened and still happens to me.

Trying to be brief as much as possible, I'd like to share the following: almost two years ago, when I got ill, it happened so suddenly and fast that my health became seriously deteriorated; when I was interned urgently at the hospital, doctors told my family that given my gravity, they "warned" them that it was "difficult" for me to survive an urgent surgery intended to implant a hemodialysis catheter in order to start extracting a high volume of toxins from my blood because of a severe kidney failure caused by prostate inflammation that made impossible to filter and eliminate those toxins via urination.
Considering this context, the turning point in my life as a christian, happened when despite doctors labeled me as a "terminal patient" not once but twice; by God's mercy, I survived that surgery (1 out of 5) and after spending one month in a bed, I was medically released in February' 2016 spending the following five months at home for a very slow recovering process after suffering a serious weight loss because of a severe anorexia I had to endure as another consequence from my illness.

After a prostate surgery in October' 2016, I never thought that my tribulation would continue: a few days after such surgery, the Urologist told me that after a pathology test, the prostate tissue he extracted, showed evidence of cancer cells, in other words, the test reported prostate cancer.

I'll get to the point: How can a christian can coexist with two major health issues without falling apart emotionally, without giving up and, above all, without blaming God?

I'd say that the outcome of this difficult adventure is: first of all, I know that God Almighty has forgiven me from the regular abuse I coexisted with (alcohol, smoking, junk food, sex) that led me to get ill and now, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20,  I live a new life in Christ Jesus even though the Oncologist told me that his outlook about my health "is not good and bad for life in the medium term".

Despite these news, in my heart, I feel physically fine thanking the Lord for His mercy because: 1) 8 months have passed since the last time I had dyalisis (the treatment for patients suffering kidney failure); 2) the Nephrologist took away the peritoneal catheter and 3) more recently the hemodyalisis catheter. Considering these recent events, being also very aware about my health condition, it is my goal to live a new life in peace according to Romans 5:3 by choosing to learn every passing day patiently wishing in my heart that Christ Jesus will continue keeping me strong enough.

In a following post about this topic, I'll suggest you to consider some testimonies from other believers living their lives despite suffering tribulations because of chronic pain but resting in the Lord regardless of those trials.  

I praise the Lord by giving Him all the Glory he deserves....

2017 Nueva Vida ©
Salmo 23 | Psalm 23

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